Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sex, Race and random Baby mamas

I missed posting the last few days...probably because I have been spending so much time reading other blogs and keeping up with the ever changing information since the Palin VP pick and the start of the RNC. So I will try to offer my thoughts on the events of the past few days

First with regard to Palin's pick....okay that came outta nowhere. Props to Johnny Mac for the gangster move to steal Barack's thunder and convention bounce. That was a seriously strong political move...and now the compliments end.

How cynical and contrived a ploy is it to basically pick someone SIMPLY because she is a conservative woman. Women are not all interchangeable. To think that Ms. Palin (with her HIGHLY conservative, lack of national experience self) could somehow be a good alternative for Hillary Clinton supporters is seriously off. Anyone who think that these two have ANYTHING in common besides breasts and a vajayjay needs to get off the crack pipe they must be smoking. And to hear the republicans tout her "executive experience" makes me vomit in my mouth just a little bit. I mean she was mayor of a town of under 7,000. I know people who have run social organizations and clubs bigger than that. And she is governor of a state with less than 750,000 people. I mean there are fewer people in Alaska than on the south side of Chicago. While I'm sure she has some skills...let's not try and put lipstick on a pig or make a mountain out of a molehill. How can you desire to be the VP (who I am still not sure she knows what the job description entails) and a heartbeat (a weak questionable, multiple cancer survivor, former POW, 72yr old heartbeat at that) away from being the leader of the free world and you just got a passport last year and have only been to two other countries!!!??? Not to mention you have a relationship with an organization that was seriously advocating for Alaska ceding from the union (BTW didn't we fight this battle long ago). I mean SERIOUSLY is this the best and brightest the Republican's have to offer. You mean to tell me you passed over all the other qualified women like Olympia Snowden, Liddy Dole, Kay Bailey Hutchenson for this amateur. If I was a Republican woman...especially one who had held offices and been working for the party for all this time I WOULD BE PISSED!!!

And then there is the is it that this woman was the VP pick for less than 48hrs before the scandals started to break fast and furious around her and her family. Questions of her personal ethics with so called "troopergate", questions about her youngest child and her pregnant 17yr old with "Babygate"...and God only knows what else is coming. Clearly the vetting process (nonexistent as it now seem to have been) went horribly awry. I will let the investigative types deal with trooper gate and I don't want to pick on an innocent 17yr old but I will say this. The fact that supposedly John McCain knew about the daughter's pregnancy and still offered the position and more importantly the fact that Sarah Palin accepted the position knowing how that was going to completely screw with her daughter's life and privacy during this difficult time tells me all I need to know about these disgusting excuses for human beings. Any mother especially who willingly puts her own child who she claims to love in this type of no-win situation is a monster. How blind with ambition do you have to be to throw your own daughter, future son-in-law and grandchild under the bus like that. Sometimes the best answer is a simple thanks (for the offer of the job) but no thanks (I have too much on me and my family's plate now).

I especially love the hypocrisy of the hard core republicans. The same people who deride inner-city (read Black and Latino) youth for their lack of morals, judgement and intelligence for having children out of wedlock are now rallying behind Bristol Palin as a good kid who made an honest mistake and needs to be supported for her wonderful choice for deciding to bring the baby in to the world. We all know if Malia Obama was 17 and pregnant that Barack and Michelle would be toast...people would declare them unfit parents and thus unfit to lead and they would secretly say that is what happens to "those people" and in general ascribe that individual failure to the entire black race. Racial politics aside, what I hate the most is that the RNC and its cronies have turned this baby mama drama into a kindling to reignite the culture wars. Sarah and Bristol Palin are the new champions and symbols of the "pro-Life" movement. Funny I don't ever see these same people championing the teen mother's in Harlem or on the South Side of Chicago the same way. I don't see them rushing to offer them care and support. Could it be that the only lives that matter in the supposed "Pro-Life" movement are ones that are white? And how about as a party having republicans support policies that support life on the other side of the birth canal and deal with issues that address poverty, crime, hunger, housing and continued discrimination. I am a christian. I am pro-choice. (yes we are out here) I personally believe that abortion is wrong. BUT I also believe that it would be a colossal mistake to make it illegal. You cant reduce, control or keep safe what is underground. I believe we should all work to have abortion be legal safe and EXTREMELY rare. Most importantly I believe that we need to put more energy not into changing the laws around abortion but rather in changing the attitudes and circumstances that cause people to be in positions where that is something they are ever considering in the first place.

In general these wedge issues really tick me off. I am much more concerned about our economy, the lack of a decent health care system, the millions of uninsured, the collapse of the housing market, gas that will be $5 soon, ending the war in Iraq, keeping this country safe, finding Osama Bin laden, stabilizing Afghanistan, renewing our standing in the world, climate change,...and the list goes on and on. Instead of trotting out the same stale issues every 4 years (Abortion, gay marriage, patriotism, et al) and claiming that one party (the Republicans) are on the "right" side of the issue and therefore deserve to win compared to those people who are on the "left" side of the issue who will destroy your family, country and faith....instead of demonizing the brown baby mama's and praising the white ones....instead of pandering to people's fear and love of a woman (any woman) in office: could we please just think and for once use our head and vote on the issues at stake...not just the things people want you to fear or blindly rally behind in an emotional frenzy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! You go girl! I can't say much more to that but DITTO.