Thursday, August 28, 2008


Okay, this was supposed to be posted last week but somehow It ended up in my draft file...but better late than never...enjoy

Aug 28, 2008

I just got finished watching Barack Obama speech...

I need a moment.

I am just soooooooooo proud of my country (gee I haven't had anything near that emotion for almost during this scourge of the GW Bush years) and the fact that we can produce such a strong, intelligent, down-to earth individual who is a candidate for the highest office in the land. Someone who came from the most average of circumstances to lead a most extrordinary life

Forget the BS...all the pettiness of this election, the name calling, the idiotic commercials, the completely false viral e-mails...this was what I was waiting for. An intelligent adult speech that gave a vision for the future, some definitive ideas of how to get there, played to the better angels of our nature and at the same time (respectfully) took the opposition to task without resorting to childhood name-calling

I tell you I am truly excited and looking forward voting for President Barack Obama


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

from one South side girl to another

Michelle Robinson Obama last night made me proud to be an American, a Christian, a Princetonian, and fellow "south side girl". She was quite simply... a LADY. I'm sure the hater's will be out in full force today picking apart every detail of her speech... the choice of her dress, the way she wore her hair, whether or not she secretely "hates whitey", if she is "bitter"and the worse crime of all if she really is an "angry black woman" in disguise who is going to ruin the country.

But really it is not that deep. For me the best testament of a man's character is the wife he chooses. The best insight into a person's values are their children. By both accounts Michelle with her obvious strength of character and love for her husband and family; and the adorable Malia and Sasha Obama who seem to be intelligent well adjusted happy kids (a rarity in this day and age) should have locked up any doubt about Barack Obama's personal character and make us all be inspired to fight for this man's presidency.

Yes...I still want more policy details about his economic platform. Yes...I want him to go after John McCain on some of his more nefarious attacks. Yes...I do disagree with some of his ideas (including his recent answer's to some questions during the Saddleback forum). But for the first time in my adult life...Michelle made me excited about having her husband and their family at the Helm of this country.


Peace and Blessings

Monday, August 25, 2008

Is it just me?

Or is everyone else getting sick of all this talk about what Barack Obama has to do to get "white" america to like him. Can people (especially the PUMA folks) just get over it already and unify for the good of the Democratic party?