Monday, October 6, 2008

VP Debate Fallout...with a "wink" and a nod

I'm a little late with this post but I couldn't let things go any further without at least offering a few comments

As I expected Sarah Palin rose from the depths of her mediocrity to exceed the (knee high to a grasshopper's eye) expectations people had for her performance. That was a good (and basically necessary) thing. However I just have the following observations:
* Was it just me or did her insistence on NOT answering the questions drive you crazy. this was a DEBATE not a campaign commercial. For anyone who did Student Congress or Debate at my high school these answers simply would not have been tolerated by the Nuns...they would have exiled us from the room crying and told us not to come back until we were better prepared.
* I was PLEASANTLY surprised by Joe Biden...he was personable (bordering on charming), emotional, forceful, succinct and most importantly managed to keep his foot out of his mouth the whole time
* What was with the winking???....I almost felt slightly violated by her incessant flirting with the American Public and as a result me. For someone who is supposedly picking up the mantle of feminism through her campaign her shameless abuse of her "womanly wiles" has set women back at least 25 years. The winking and shameless flirting is cute when Tina Fey does her impersonation...but in an actual candidate it is just embarrassing
* The folksy phrases and stories (along with her nasally high pitched whine) have got to go...if I ever hear the words "hockey mom", "Joe six-pack" or "main street" one more time I thought I was gonna scream!!! I understand wanting to connect with the people but that cannot be your whole platform at some point you need to give some specific answers...after all you are running for the second highest office in the land...I expect you to demonstrate a wider range of knowledge and understanding on a variety of subjects...I'm not asking you to be a "Washington insider" or "east coast elite" but I do want you to demonstrate you can string coherent thoughts together and show some ability to think on your feet.

What I thought was interesting post debate was watching the GOP party faithful spin this draw at best into a win for Palin. They waxed poetic about her stunning performance, her "connection" to the American people, and how she exceeded their expectations all the while trying to avoid the VERY real truth that the American public didn't buy it. The polls (particularly among the undecided) were decidedly against her. The "wink" and nod Sarah Palin gave to the American people appears to have been poorly received by anyone not already firmly in her camp. but that's okay the tide is turning in this race and the GOP is starting to run scared (as evidenced by Palin bringing up Ayers and acts he did when Obama was 8 years old as a reason he is not fit to serve and trying to rehash the Rev Wright issues as if we didn't already discuss this ad nauseum) and I am proud of my America cause it looks like this time we won't be hoodwinked...there is still a ways to go and work to do but the winks and nods will not be answered this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that Palin is setting women back several decades! Sad that "pretty" will get you so far in life. Hillary was a true "maverick" because she could handle whatever "they" threw at her. But this Palin chick...all "they" are doing is making excuses for her. Sad choice of a candidate in my opinion.

BTW, LUV your blog!!